7 Signs That You’re Making Your Children Narcissistic


Narcissism is defined as the excessive interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance. Vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-centeredness. Many think that the number of narcissistic children in western civilization is rising. I have created this handy dandy list for you to reference and see if certain things you are doing on the parenting front could be contributing to your child becoming narcissistic. Using this list I was able to even find some points where I may be going slightly astray (and we know how perfect I am!) Without further ado here is my list of 7 signs that you’re making your child(ren) Narcissistic.

You lead your child to believe they are infallible.

This can be done by over praising. Putting your child on a pedestal is easy to do because you created them, but acknowledging faults is human. It’s a healthy thing to be able to see that everyone has weaknesses.

You compare your child to other kids and tell them how they measure up.

Around age 7 or 8 kids start to compare themselves to others. It’s important that you aren’t putting undue pressure on them to be better then their peers at everything. Don’t compare to Mikey and tell them where he comes up short.

You view affection as something to be earned and therefore show little warmth.

This could be difficult to recognize in yourself I suppose, but if you are only hugging after a job well done or for specifics tasks completed. There is a difference in affection and appreciation versus making your child feel like they are better than others. You can love your child and think they hang the moon, but you don’t have to put down or take anything away from anyone else to do that.

You model behaviors such as inability to hear criticism.

We all know that one adult who can’t bear to hear that they are wrong. That can’t take any type of reply to their ideas or opinions other than “yep,” Don’t be that adult. You are better than that, and your child needs you to be better than that.

You Excessively Brag and Make Excuses for Your Child

Can we be honest here? You should be proud of your kid. Your kid probably does something fantastic stuff that mine can’t do. However it’s ok too if your child messes up. In fact it’s better if they mess up while they are children, so they learn to handle that. If you make excuses for their behaviors instead of showing them how to deal with not being perfect- you are missing out a learning opportunity for the child. And as it turns out you may be raising a narcissist.

You Speak Badly of Anyone That is “Different” in Front of Your Child

This one is trickier and trickier it seems. In a time when we are so enlightened it seems that everyone feels shamed for their views. There is a difference in pointing out how you disagree with a religion/belief system and trying to prove you are superior to it. Expressing superiority in regards to age/race/gender/sexual preference – gosh, just please don’t do that. Let’s be past that in this generation, okay?

You Recognize Narcissistic Traits in Yourself and Don’t Take Steps To Get Better

There is a hereditary component to narcissism. There are personality traits that is a person is born with. However if you feel like you have some traits that fall into the Narcissistic column and you don’t get some help before having a kid… it may be time to re-evaluate now. Some day when you are in the old folks’ home and your grown-up child is too wrapped up in him/herself to visit you, you will possibly regret not taking some time to work on these things now.

If you are interested in more information on this that is less opinion and more scientific please go to this link to find what the Washington Post wrote about the subject. I found it extremely interesting and well written.

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Real Story: She Turned Paper Into The Most Magical Gift For A Child


Few things are as magical when you are a child as gifts. Early on it’s amazing that our birthdays even happen. Remember it? Our first few birthdays? We had no concept of time and then all of a sudden one day we just get gifts because we were born. Then once we finally got that worked out there are gifts on another day because Jesus was born (or Santa comes or whatever belief system you subscribe too.) This is all too much isn’t it? I mean we don’t even earn these things.

When the magic of the calendar has worn off we are than able to focus on something else: the gifts. We start to have opinions on presents. Expectations on what they should be. That is where this story picks up.

The Unforgettable Christmas Present

A young man took care of Mrs. Long’s lawn during one summer. She was an elderly woman who could only afford to pay very little for the deed as she was not well off. During that summer she did promise the young man that she would have a Christmas present for him come winter. That promise was repeated on the last day that summer that the lawn was mowed.

There was quite a long time between the summer and Christmas. I’m sure it must have felt like an eternity to the young boy. He ran through what he thought it could be. Could it be a bike? No, she couldn’t carry that. After all she was frail and a little older. Could it be a baseball glove? That’s possible, and he needed one. Oh, I know, skates! How fantastic would it be to have new skates to keep up with the other boys?

Time passed and it finally got to be December. He couldn’t go get it on December 1st, right? That would probably look bad, and also, I mean, she might not have it wrapped yet. His family agreed that he should wait. Cut to December 22nd. Finally he decided it was safe to go.

The gift was definitely not a bike. It wasn’t big enough for a baseball glove and certainly not skates. He picked up the box and it was light. Really, really light. He asked what it could be and Mrs. Long let him know that he had to wait until Christmas to find out. However there was a little bit of magic tucked into that box.

Christmas came and he opened the box. In the box were 10 flimsy pieces of black paper with the words Carbon Paper Regal Premium. If you don’t know, these papers were used to stick between the sheets of papers to make a carbon copy of what was being written. Mrs. Long couldn’t afford to spend money, so she gifted magic. It was the most magical gift the boy ever received.

If you are wondering how to recapture magic for your little ones please continue reading for some ideas.

Scavenger Hunts

Who can resist the fun of having to find the presents based on clues and hunting. Send them all around the house, inside and outside.

String Attached to a Gift

Follow me on this. Attach the piece of string and then wrap it around chairs, upstairs, downstairs, and lead them all around the house until finally they follow the string to the gift.

Surprise Party

Invite friends and yell surprise at your unsuspecting kid. They love surprise parties. Heck, they love just the word “Surprise!”


Fill their room with balloons while they sleep. Can you imagine waking up to balloons everywhere!?! That would still be awesome at my age.

I hope that these ideas can help you make someone’s day extra special. I know as adults we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make every birthday the best party ever for our kids. Try to remember the joy of doing things and the amazing feeling of knowing someone spent time to do something for you and with you. That is the true magic.

Please follow this link and read the Christmas gift story in more touching detail. You will not regret it.

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Meal Planning Challenge: Healthy Grocery Shopping Once A Month


“These days, my idea of living dangerously is going grocery shopping without a list”– Anonymous 

Grocery shopping once a month seems impossible. But with some strategic planning, everything can be possible.

We are busy, we are tired, and to not go to the store 1 to 2 times a week could really give us some extra time for things that matter. And this is how…

Planning Produce Purchases

This one is tricky since things are perishable. You may have to make a couple of quick “cheat” stops purely due to the logistics of how long things keep. However below is the list for the large trip:

  • Fruit for snacking (amount dependent on how much your family will eat prior to it going bad)
  • Frozen green beans (if your family enjoys them, stock up on sale)
  • Salad stuff and veggies. Now here is the trick: when planning meals you are going to do the fresh vegetables first. The meals toward the end of the month are probably going to come primarily from your frozen vegetable stash.
  • Produce required for any of the meal plans for the first half of the month. (You are going to make that cheat trip mid-month, so the second half of the month can be planned for separately.)

Lists and Local Bloggers

Find a blogger that lives near to you that lists local ads and deals. I honestly never thought of looking into that, but I have been too intimidated to coupon very much on my own when grocery shopping. This could really help me (and hopefully you.)

Then after finding all of these deals sit down to make your master list. If you shop places that price match then on your master list include the price that you are price matching for and the information that will help the cashier perform that the easiest. If you have the master list not only will it help your shopping, but it helps with your meal planning around the sales for that month.

Cooking Calendar Creation

Print out or get a calendar with enough blank area to write in meals. Now depending on how busy your family is you may want to pull out the calendar of family activities also. This will give you a little bit of insight into how much time you will have for cooking each day. If there are leftovers, you may only need to cook 4 nights a week and have leftovers other days. Try to plan leftover nights for when the kids have sports etc.

Purchasing Necessary Ingredients

Planning ahead with the calendar allows you to look at the things you will need for the week. You can plan meals that contain like ingredients, so you don’t end up being wasteful.

Extra Edibles and Essentials

Planning for toiletries, snack foods and milk can be challenging. This is how this can be cleared up:

  • Consider freezing milk. If you know you go through a gallon a week, get 4 gallons and freeze three.
  • Consider doing the same for cheese. Stock up and save.
  • Try purchasing one large snack package for the month. For example a large pretzel package. Eat it and when it’s gone, it’s gone. Depending on how big your family is and the pickiness level there, you may need to have more than one option.
  • Buy several boxes of the cereal that is on sale that week.
  • Check toiletries stock before going to see how much you should purchase.

Make Your List According to The Layout of The Land

Take your list and organize it according to the sections in the store. This will help you avoid running back and forth through the store and make the most of your time.

For further tips please check out this site.

Featured photo credit: Flickr/Happy Worker via flickr.com

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Pasta Makes You Fat: Myth Or Fact?


Please be a myth… please be a myth. Maybe if we all cross our fingers?

Does Pasta Make You Fat?

Not necessarily. The myth stems from the way that pasta is processed by your body. Concerns about this process and its association with difficulties in losing weight have contributed to the commonly accepted attitude that “white and refined” carbs are evil and not to be touched. We all know the low carb craze has beat into us that pasta is not the way to go. But is this attitude based on fact or fiction?

What does the Glycemic Index (GI) have to do with my beloved pasta?

The glycemic index explains how a food with carbs will affect your blood sugar levels. Higher Glycemic Index values associated with a particular food item usually indicates that they are foods that will cause you to keep weight on and have difficulty losing weight, unless the item is consumed in moderation. Traditionally pasta has been an example of a high glycemic index food. However, the way in which it is cooked has been found to affect the glycemic index making it an item that can be consumed.

Al Dente Preparation Is The Key

What does “al dente” mean?

“Al Dente” means cooked firm to the bite. The term can be applied to rice, beans, pasta and vegetables.

Pasta that is cooked “al dente” does have a lower glycemic index.

The glycemic index is an evidenced-based, scientific process that is used to measure how foods affect blood sugar. This is particularly significant for people with medical issues with their blood sugar levels, such as people wishing to manage their diabetes or manage their insulin resistance.The index goes beyond just the number of carbohydrates that a food contains and looks at how the food is broken down by the body. The higher the food is on the glycemic index the more it affects your blood sugar. Therefore cooking the pasta “al dente” will allow your body to break down the pasta in a way that is healthier for your body to process.

Do I Have To Eat Whole Wheat Pasta?

No, “al dente” cooking of the pasta should do the trick. I am especially relieved to read this because I can say from experience that I don’t love the whole wheat pastas I have tried. I may be trying the wrong ones, in their defense. It was mentioned in the article that I will link below, that pasta company Barilla has made a change in their structure of pasta that is supposed to make it easier for your body to break it down over the course of time. That is definitely going a long way to dispose of the “evil” pasta reputation.

To review- “I’m tired and I want to make pasta. Am I going to end up fat?” No, and here is a bonus: you don’t have to cook it as long. Ergo you will have the food on your plate faster. Just remember: you want to have the pasta cooked “al dente.”

Is buckwheat pasta or brown rice better for me than “al dente” pasta?

As long as you consume it cooked firm to the bite, the buckweat pasta is comparable to the glycemic index of the other options mentioned. The pasta will give you a steady release of energy that keeps you feeling full longer and you won’t have to run a marathon to work it off (though, let’s be honest we should all be doing that, right?)

If you are interested in reading a little more on fact and fiction in foods please go to this link.

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via Lifehack http://ift.tt/1QahnuP

Research Finds That Coconut Oil Is Better Than Toothpaste


In a new study from the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland, scientists compared the effects of coconut oil versus toothpaste inside the mouth. They found that there are certain advantages that go along with swapping your old toothpaste for a spoonful of coconut oil.

How Does Coconut Oil Outshine Toothpaste?

Coconut oil can clean your teeth and prevent decay better than any mouthwash or toothpaste with fluoride on the market. Additionally, there are zero side effects since coconut is natural, and no chemicals to worry about.

The study says that coconut oil is able to kill common strains of bacteria in the mouth better than toothpaste. That includes something particularly harmful called Candida albicans.

What Does Coconut Oil Have That Toothpaste Doesn’t?

Coconut oil has properties that eliminate yeast in the mouth. Yeast is associated with common dental diseases and decay, so cutting down on yeast will make it more difficult for dental diseases to prosper.

Not only is yeast bad for tooth health, it also has side effects for the digestive tract. Yeast appears to live best in environments where the diet is high in processed foods and sugar. Toothpaste doesn’t appear to have the same effect on yeast.

Coconut oil is also an effective alternative to the chemicals in most tooth care products.

How Much Coconut Oil And What To Do With It?

The study used one spoonful of coconut oil to clean teeth.

If you are exploring some different methods to use the coconut oil, you may want to look into oil pulling. This involves taking a spoonful of oil and putting it in your mouth. Allow it to melt and swish the oil back in forth in your mouth like you would with mouthwash. I have tried this and I will tell you it takes some time to get used to. The coconut oil is in a solid state when you put it in your mouth—but, trust me, it does melt. The articles I have read mention doing this for about 30 minutes. I typically will put it in my mouth and then hop in the shower while swishing. Once you are finished, be sure to spit out the oil—you don’t want to swallow all of the residue and gunk that it just washed off those pearly whites.

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Lemon Juice With Salt Can Stop Migraine Headache Within Minutes


Amazing information was discovered that can help with migraines. Apparently there is a natural way that can help stop them in their tracks within minutes.

Make This Magic Migraine Potion

You need three things: water, lemon juice from a lemon, and two teaspoons of salt. Combine the ingredients and drink. Wait a few minutes.

Things that you should keep in mind when choosing ingredients include that the salt should be of good quality. Pink Himalayan sea salt is a good one due to the 80 different trace minerals that it contains (including magnesium.) Eating salt quickly is proven to raise levels of serotonin. That helps to quell pain and inflammation.

Signs That This Is For You

Migraines affect almost  1 out of every 10 people. That is 36 million Americans. Interestingly enough migraines are in the top twenty complaints that cause people to call in sick for work.

Here are the symptoms to assess if you are having a migraine and will benefit from the Lemon Salt Water:

  • Head throbbing
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Dizziness
  • Sensitive to Light, Noise, and Smell (or all at once)
  • Pain that lasts from 2 to 72 hours

Why Do We Get Migraines to Begin With

For the unlucky 10 percent of people that get migraines, I’m sure the question often is “Why Me?” as they think about ramming their head repeatedly against a wall. I obviously can’t tell you specifically, but I do have a list of causes. See if any seem to relate to your situation and if so, maybe you can head some things off before they start.

  • Stress can be a cause. Migraines can start as a stress headache and then once the wheels get moving it goes to full blown migraine in no time.
  • Alcohol consumption can cause some people to develop migraines.
  • Allergies can set off a chain reaction that develops into a migraine.
  • Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can also cause a migraine to start.
  • The most common cause seems to be dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. That is a sure way to feel sluggish (best case scenario) and if you are already prone to migraines, you could be leading your body to a huge headache (worst case scenario.)

The Big D(ehydration)

Apparently you can become dehydrated even if you drink a lot of water. This is because when the electrolytes in your body are low, your body works to remove the excess water to get it even with the electrolytes. They call this balance a state of homeostasis.

Additionally it is theorized that migraines themselves can cause dehydration. That is sure to start a vicious cycle if that is the case. Dehydration causes migraines, which further deplete the body of hydration and in turn more migraines occur. No wonder they can last for days as your body struggles to find a balance that is providing the proper hydration.

The Big E(lectrolytes)

Previous to  my research for this article I knew very little about electrolytes except that they are something contained in Gatorade. Now I know that electrolytes are actually minerals in your body that have a positive electrical charge. The functions that these electrolytes are responsible for helping carry out are some of the biggest processes in the body. Including supporting nerve function, regulating cardiovascular system, and regulating muscle function.

Another mineral that has an important part in all of this is magnesium. Magnesium is a natural anti-inflammatory. It is thought that migraines are an inflammatory response. This explains the good quality salt required for the Magic Potion above to stop your headache. the magnesium from the salt will help combat the inflammatory ruckus in your head.

For more information please go to this link.

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Can You Really Live On An Asteroid Like The Little Prince?


I have to admit that I’m not that familiar with the story The Little Prince. However, who doesn’t want to know if we could live on an Asteroid? I don’t think you need to know the story to be interested.

The Little Prince

This is a bestselling book about a prince traveler from a far-off asteroid. It was written in 1942, before anyone even knew what an asteroid looked like. Our first glimpse wasn’t until 1971.

The story was written on the basis that an asteroid had gravity, air, and a rose. As the link below says “There’s no point in trying to critique the science here, because (1) it’s not a story about asteroids, and (2) it opens with a parable about how foolish adults are for looking at everything too literally.”

How Should The Asteroid Be Like In Order That We Can Live On It?

The first property needed would be gravity. In order to have Earth-like gravity, if the radius of the asteroid was 1.75 meters, it would need 500 million tons of mass. That mass is equal to the combined mass of every human on Earth.

Though the gravity would be comparable, something to keep in mind is that there would be tidal forces. Your feet would be heavier than your head. That might feel like a gentle stretching sensation. Remember when you were a child laying down on the merry-go-round with your head towards the center? That’s kind of what it would feel like.

Will The Asteroid Be So Small That We Will Fall Out Of It (Or “Escape The Surface”, As Scientists Prefer To Call It)?

The velocity for us to escape the surface would be 5 meters per second.

That is less than a sprint, but more than a slow walk. The article explains it best by saying if you can’t dunk a basketball, you wouldn’t be able to escape this asteroid by jumping off it.

The article goes on to explain a little bit more about velocity which bears repeating: escape velocity is not affected by the direction that the speed is going, as long as you don’t go toward the planet. This means you could escape by sprinting across the asteroid horizontally and then jumping off a ramp.

If your speed was too slow, you would end up in orbit around it.

The speed of your orbit would be about that of a jog. Every part of your body would be pulling a different way in the orbit. If this happened to something like a moon, it would break apart into rings. Luckily, this would not happen to your body. Your orbit would be plenty chaotic without the rings.

A Real-Life Investigation

These orbits have been investigated by scientists in relation to real-world problems. A paper written by Radu D. Rugescu and Daniele Mortari explored different types of orbits. They showed that large elongated objects follow strange paths around the larger central body. Even the center of their gravity/mass didn’t move in a perfect ellipses. Some examples of the patterns they follow would be pentagonal orbits, or some will crash into the planet.

The practical application for this investigation was that scientists were looking into whirling tethers to move cargo in and out of gravity wells, acting as a free-standing space elevator. This could transport cargo to and from the moon or pick up a space craft. The challenge explained above with the orbit creates a challenge in making this a reality.

So, while it may seem far-fetched, if you ever do find yourself living on an asteroid, be careful not to race your fellow inhabitants. If you sprint too fast, you will end up in orbit.

Please check out this link and download the book. This particular scenario is under the Little Planet heading. There are many more enjoyable scenarios to explore.

Featured photo credit: Man With Open Arms on The Top of The Mountain/Viktor Hanacek via picjumbo.com

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What Would Happen If We All Aimed A Laser Pointer At The Moon? Science Has Answers


Take a second and picture everyone on the planet with a laser pointer. Everyone then takes their laser pointer and aims it at the moon. Granted, this is a crazy “What if?” scenario, but aren’t you curious what would happen? Surprisingly, science has some answers.

Possible Problems In Worldwide Laser Pointer Pointing At The Moon

The first thing that you probably thought of is that not everyone sees the moon at the same time. How will people on the other side of the planet point their lasers at the moon when they are being blinded by the sun at the moment?

The second thing that needs to be considered is whether we are going to shine the lasers at a full moon or a crescent moon.

The third thing that could be a problem is aim. Everyone being able to hit the moon at the same time would be tremendously difficult. Let’s make sure we get our eye exams first.

The fourth thing is how much power do we require for the experiment? I’m not sure what the standard laser pointer wattage is.

How The Experiment Of Pointing Lasers At The Moon Works

This is how we would address the above concerns for this experiment:

75% of the population on Earth is between 0 degrees E and 120 degrees E. Knowing this information, we should try to set up this bizarre experiment for when the moon is over the Arabian Sea.

If we choose to do this on the new moon (instead of a full moon) we will be able to see the results better. The new moon has pros and cons. On the positive side, we will be able to see better because part of the moon will be dark. The con is that it’s a smaller target. If some of us didn’t get our eye exams we might have trouble aiming our lasers.

We are going to go with the quarter moon. This allows us to compare the light effect on the dark side and the light side. We always try to get more bang for our buck in the science world.

The typical laser pointer is about 5 milliwatts. That doesn’t mean a lot to me, but experts say that it is a tight enough beam to hit the moon. They also say that it would spread out over a large area of the surface once it got to the moon. The atmosphere could also absorb and distort the light a tiny bit, but the consensus is that it would reach there.

For this this experiment to work , everyone would take aim at the moon and press the button at half an hour after midnight.

The Strange And Curious Results

Disappointment. There is no real change in the appearance on the surface of the moon. This makes a little bit of sense because you will notice that the sunlight bathes the moon in a large amount of light. In fact, it gives much more light to the moon than the laser pointers and this is why there is no noticeable change.

We Need More Power

If the experiment was repeated with more power (1 watt instead of 5 milliwatts), the disappointing results would be relatively the same. This time; however, the laser would be a green color instead. Another thing to note is that the higher watt laser is seriously dangerous and could cause blindness or skin burns. These lasers would still be too weak to see any difference from Earth. Additionally, if you were on the moon and looking at all the laser pointers, you would see less light than we see when we look at the moon.

If we used a searchlight (like on coast guard helicopters) to all point at the moon, we are making some progress. Unfortunately, it would still be really hard to see.

If we used IMAX projectors (30,000 watts), we would still barely make any visible progress.

It is only if we all got the most powerful spotlight on Earth (like the one on top of the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas) and added a lens array to help it focus on the moon that is would finally be visible. Way to go everyone!

Lastly, if we used The Department of Defense megawatt lasers we would manage to match the brightness of sunlight!

If that isn’t enough weirdness for the day go and download this What If? ebook, which covers many other fantastic hypothetical questions. The interesting book also has graphics to illustrate the differences in watts.

The post What Would Happen If We All Aimed A Laser Pointer At The Moon? Science Has Answers appeared first on Lifehack.

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Amazing Benefits Of Olive Oil You Need To Know

benefits of olive oil

Olive oil is one of the most hyped about oils on the market today. The oil is acclaimed for its versatility because it can be applied in many different ways, ranging from shaving to cleaning hands to polishing furniture. However, by simply considering these uses, we haven’t even scratched the surface of what olive oil is able to do with our health. Read on to explore more of the amazing benefits of olive oil. You may find yourself surprised by some of them:

1. It reduces the risk of diabetes

Olive oil is credited with effectively protecting us from diabetes. According to Harvard School of Public Health, the healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in olive oil can reduce the risk of diabetes by 50%. Although low fat diets are traditionally recommended to combat diabetes, the result shows that it is the type of fat rather than the amount of fat that matters.

Chronic inflammation is believed to be the root cause of diabetes. Consuming more olive oil which is an exceptional anti-inflammatory agent can help. Substances like oleic acid and oleocanthal in olive oil can reduce the expression of genes and proteins that mediate inflammation.

2. It saves you from strokes

A study by the University of Bordeaux collected data from three groups of subjects aged over 65 and surprisingly found that the elderly who used olive oil for cooking and salad dressing more often had 41% lower risk of suffering from strokes. The researchers believe that olive oil is effective in dissolving unwanted blood clots in vessels, a key feature causing strokes.

3. It keeps your heart young

It is commonly known that the functions of our hearts and arteries degenerate when we age. It seems inevitable that we may suffer from some heart diseases when we grow old. Don’t be too pessimistic first! A Spanish study published in the British Medical Journal found that olive oil helps lower our blood pressure and protect our hearts from the damage of bad cholesterol. If you want to keep being healthy, you need to stock up on olive oil.

4. It strengthens your bones

A study by Madrid University found that men with the habit of consuming Mediterranean diets which are rich in olive oil had stronger bones. It was discovered that their blood had more osteocalcin, an important protein that contribute to healthy bone formation.

Another research studying osteoporosis showed a similar result. Osteoporosis is a postmenopausal disease characterized by decreased bone density. The sufferers are more likely to have bone fractures. The animal test carried out by the researchers found that rats not treated with olive oil had much lower level of calcium, which shows that olive oil is a great source of calcium that helps strengthen bones. Doctors even recommend cooking nuts, seeds and beans with olive oil to optimize the effect!

5. It protects you from depression

Usually, we associate diets with our physical health but not mental health. But a Spanish study found that our consumption of fat largely determines the possibility that we suffer from mental illness. It said people who consume trans fat often have 48% higher risk of being susceptible to depression. The researchers suggested that olive oil can trigger higher level of serotonin, a brain chemical that serves as an antidepressant. So a high intake of olive oil can protect us from the attack of depression.

6. It helps prevent skin cancer

While using sunscreen remains the most reliable way shielding us from harmful UV rays, a recent study found that consuming olive oil reduces the risk of malignant melanoma, the most deadly skin cancer.

The research result highlighted that much fewer residents of the Mediterranean countries suffer from skin cancers than Australians. Mediterranean diet with the frequent use of olive oil is found to be the key to this significant difference. Substances like oleic acid and vitamin E in olive oil are highly resistant to the oxidation caused by strong sunlight, and so they can protect our skin.

7. It helps prevent breast cancer

Regular ingestion of olive oil can reduce the incidence of breast cancer. A Saudi Arabian study found that oleuropein in olive oil has anti-breast cancer properties. A study by Autonomous University in Barcelona even found that the monounsaturated fat and antioxidants in olive oil can suppress the growth of tumors in general.

8. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the buildup of the protein beta amyloid in our brains. According to a study published in Scientific American, the animal test conducted has proved that oleocanthal in olive oil helps remove the protein and has the potential to improve memory and learning ability of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Also, olive oil polyphenols, a powerful antioxidant, is found to be effective in reversing damage of the ageing process to our brains and delaying the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease.

9. It boosts your brain power

A study by Columbia University made a comparison between individuals who consumed olive oil often and those who never used olive oil in their cooking. The researchers surprisingly found that the ones who consumed olive oil in Mediterranean diets have more gray and white matters in their brains. That means consuming olive oil does not only make you healthier but smarter! Amazing, right?

10. It makes you more attractive

Olive oil contains a wealth of compounds that keep our hair healthy. While vitamin E reduces hair loss, magnesium, zinc and B vitamins can boost hair growth. By consuming olive oil, you don’t need to worry about any problems concerning your hair. What’s more, you can even enjoy having glowing skin because olive oil is a good moisturizer in itself and has strong anti-ageing properties.

Featured photo credit: DUSAN ZIDAR via shutterstock.com

The post Amazing Benefits Of Olive Oil You Need To Know appeared first on Lifehack.

via Lifehack http://ift.tt/1JMwuYX

Signs You May Have Vitamin Deficiency (And You Don’t Even Know It)


There are so many small things that you can do to help your health. Vitamins, or a lack of vitamins, can make a huge difference in how you are feeling day in and day out. Here are some common signs that you are lacking something, along with ways to deal with, and hopefully rectify, the problem.

Here are some of the most common vitamin deficiency complaints.

1. Mouth cracking at corners

Your body lacks Vitamin B (specifically B2, B3, and B12,) zinc, and/or iron.

You should eat more salmon, eggs, tuna, clams, and more seafood to give your body a boost. Vegetarians can eat lentils, legumes, peanuts, dried tomatoes, sesame, and chard.

An important note: Vitamin C should be taken with iron in order to boost effectiveness. Vitamin C sources include broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, red pepper, etc.

2. Rashes on skin and hair loss

Your body lacks zinc, Vitamin B7, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K.

You should eat more dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, dairy products, avocados, button mushrooms, raspberries, and bananas.

An important note: Vitamin B7 levels are sometimes affected negatively by eating a lot of eggs. The protein in eggs keeps this vitamin from being absorbed.

3. Acne on cheeks, arms, and upper legs

Your body lacks Vitamin A and Vitamin D.

You should eat less saturated and trans fats.

You should eat more fish, flax seeds, dried fruits, almonds, walnuts, carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers.

An important note: sometimes people find the acne to be so painful that they have to pop the small bumps—avoid this.

4. Burning, itching, and numbness in extremities

Your body lacks Vitamin B (B6, B9, and B12).

You should eat more asparagus, spinach, green veggies, legumes, eggs, and seafood.

An important note: shortages of these vitamins can affect the nerve endings in skin. Additionally, depression, fatigue, exhaustion, anemia, and hormonal imbalances are caused by this same deficiency.

5. Cramps and pains in feet/legs

Your body lacks potassium, calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin B.

You should eat more bananas, hazelnuts, almonds, pumpkin, cherries, apples, broccoli, grapefruit, cabbage, dandelion, and spinach.

An important note: these levels are affected when a new exercise regimen is started. The sweating allows the water-soluble vitamin levels to drop. Don’t stop working out. Instead, eat more of the recommended foods.

Specific Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin A Deficiency Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Poor night vision
  • Bad skin
  • Bad teeth and bleeding gums

Vitamin B Deficiency Symptoms


  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Depression, with or without irritability
  • Weight loss
  • Heart and digestive tract issues


  • Eye irritation
  • Oily skin
  • Fistula in oral cavity
  • Rashes and inflammation


  • Headaches
  • Low energy
  • Bad breath
  • Anxiety
  • Ulcers, intestinal issues, and low appetite


  • Burning in legs and feet
  • Cramping
  • Fatigue
  • Unusual heart beat
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia


  • Insomnia
  • Skin issues
  • Hair loss
  • Cramping
  • Fluid retention


  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Appetite loss
  • Inflammation in mouth
  • Hormonal imbalance

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms

  • Slow healing of wounds and fractures
  • Bleeding from nose and gums
  • Aching and enlarged joints
  • Indigestion
  • Anemia and bruising

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

  • Weak bones
  • Rickets
  • Tooth decay
  • Kidney stones
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor absorption of calcium

Vitamin E Deficiency Symptoms

  • Anemia
  • Anxiety
  • Fertility problems
  • Bad reflexes
  • Difficulty moving and maintaining balance

Summary and Recommendations

The affects of some of these deficiencies are far-reaching. If you are concerned about any of your vitamin levels, consulting with your doctor is never a bad idea.

The article linked here will provide you with more information. Additionally, it points out that as our diet moves further away from unprocessed natural foods, our levels of vitamins are depleting. This is why it is best to balance out vitamin levels by eating recommended foods rather than purchasing supplements in pill form.

The post Signs You May Have Vitamin Deficiency (And You Don’t Even Know It) appeared first on Lifehack.

via Lifehack http://ift.tt/1JLroMx